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Plastic Surgery Clinic of Chicago

Mini Tummy Tuck
Is A Full Tummy Tuck Or A Mini Tummy Tuck Right For You?


Mini Tummy Tuck Chicago

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Parit Patel is considered a top provider of the mini tummy tuck in Chicago. This cosmetic procedure can address excess skin and fat in the lower abdomen.

Our bodies are always changing. Over the course of time, it’s normal to experience stubborn fat and a loss of skin elasticity in different areas of our bodies.

One area that displays these changes the most is the abdominal area. From fluctuations in weight to pregnancy, there are a number of factors that contribute to the loose skin and stubborn fatty deposits that accumulate in the area.

While many people try to reclaim their bodies with diet and exercise, these don’t always provide the desired transformation on their own. Fortunately, a mini tummy tuck surgery can often help redefine the abdominal contours.

Mini Tummy Tuck Mini Tummy Tuck



Self-verified patient of Dr. Parit A. Patel
“Very happy with my experience. I had a tummy tuck by Dr. Patel and loved my experience and my new belly. I was unhappy with the way my stomach looked after my 3 kids and no matter how much I worked out, I could not get rid of the excess fat and skin. Today I can proudly wear a bikini to show off my new and flat stomach. 5+ stars if I could.”

What Is A Mini Tummy Tuck Procedure?

A mini tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that’s designed to help patients improve their abdominal area by getting rid of the excess fat and skin that resides there. It is an alternative to the full tummy tuck procedure and is more suitable for those who require minimal correction.

Candidates are typically individuals who are in their ideal weight range but have extra fat or skin that they are not able to get rid of with exercise and diet alone. This procedure is less invasive than the traditional approach and targets the area right under the belly button.

How Is Mini Tummy Tuck Performed?

The mini tummy tuck surgery begins with the administration of an anesthetic to help keep you comfortable during the surgical procedure. Once the anesthetic has taken effect, Dr. Patel will start by making an incision in your lower abdomen. If you have had a C-section, he might use the existing scar to make the incision.

Through the incision, he will tighten the loose muscles, remove excess skin, and help you get a flat lower stomach. Once the necessary corrections are made, he will close and bandage the treatment area.

What Are The Differences Between A Mini Tummy Tuck And A Full Tummy Tuck?

During the full tummy tuck procedure, you will be put under general anesthesia. This method requires a more extensive incision that will be made horizontally right above the pubic hairline. Unlike the mini tummy tuck, a full tummy tuck allows Dr. Patel to correct stretched muscles by repositioning and tightening the underlying muscle tissues. In some cases, it might also involve the use of liposuction to remove deposits of excess fat.

Once this is done, Dr. Patel will pull the skin around the abdomen to get you a flat stomach and cut off the excess skin. In some cases, he might reshape your belly button as well.

A full tummy tuck is better suited for someone who has diastasis recti, a condition where the ab muscles split. It mostly occurs during pregnancy. The difference between a full tummy tuck and a mini tummy tuck is that the former is performed on the larger stomach area, whereas the latter is done on the lower abdomen.

In some cases, a full tummy tuck might be the better option. This is especially so if you have excess fat and skin on the upper abdomen that you can’t get rid of through exercise and diet. Also, if you have muscle laxity or separation that needs correction, a full tummy tuck will work better.

What Is The Recovery Process?

After undergoing a mini tummy tuck, you will experience some bruising, swelling, and some discomfort. This is temporary, and we can provide medication to help you manage as you heal.

For a few days after the procedure, you will have to keep the drains in to help remove any excess fluids. It is important to take care of them and empty them regularly.

You also might have to take an anticoagulant and an antibiotic while the drains are still in place. In order to support your abdomen and avoid fluid buildup, you can wear an abdominal binder.

Even though the mini tummy tuck has a shorter recovery period, you have to avoid performing any strenuous activity for 6 weeks. Limitations include abstaining from heavy lifting and/or vigorous exercise.

Mini Tummy Tuck Cost

The price of your mini tummy tuck will be reviewed with you during your consultation. The complexity of your specific procedure and whether you choose to combine your surgery with complementary cosmetic treatments will affect the overall cost.

Contact Our Office

There are a lot of benefits to a mini tummy tuck and a full tummy tuck procedure. The choice you make will depend on your existing concerns and personal goals. To find out if you are a good candidate for a full tummy tuck or a mini tummy tuck in Chicago, contact our office to schedule an informative consultation today.


Mini Tummy Tuck Before and After
Mini Tummy Tuck Before and After




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