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Plastic Surgery Clinic of Chicago

Male Rhinoplasty
How Is Male Rhinoplasty Different?


Male Rhinoplasty Chicago

Rhinoplasty, a surgical procedure to correct functional and aesthetic issues in the nose, is an increasingly popular procedure for men. In functional cases, rhinoplasty can correct breathing issues that may be caused by a deviated septum or nasal polyps. In aesthetic cases, rhinoplasty restores symmetry to the face and can reduce the size of the nose and nostrils, which can increase confidence and self-esteem.

The Plastic Surgery Clinic of Chicago understands that there is no catch-all approach to rhinoplasty; every nose is unique, which is why each patient at our facility receives personalized care, an individualized course of treatment, and the safest and most innovative techniques.

Surgical rhinoplasty can also be useful to treat a nasal profile with a depression or hump on the bridge of the nose; an enlarged, hooked, or drooping nasal tip; and airway obstructions or abnormalities in the nasal cavity.

Male Rhinoplasty


If you have breathing issues due to an airway obstruction or an abnormality in the nasal structure, you may be a candidate for functional rhinoplasty. If you are unhappy with the size, shape, or contours of your nose, aesthetic rhinoplasty may be an option for you.

Patients who smoke or are otherwise not in good physical health are typically not ideal candidates for rhinoplasty. This procedure is only carried out on patients whose facial growth is complete.


Any medical center or clinic you choose should be willing to sit down with you and take the time to explain all aspects of the procedure beforehand, including associated risks and recovery. At the Plastic Surgery Clinic of Chicago, we thoroughly review your medical history, speak with you about your expectations, and provide you with an extensive overview of both functional and aesthetic details of rhinoplasty surgery.

Our board-certified plastic surgeons are expertly versed in the subtle differences between female and male rhinoplasty and will be happy to discuss how best to achieve your goals.


First, patients are placed under anesthesia in order to ensure safety and comfort during the procedure. Next, incisions are made to allow the surgeon access to the nose.

Rhinoplasty can be performed by either an open procedure or a closed procedure. In an open procedure, an incision is made along the columella, the thin bridge of tissue that connects the nostrils. In a closed procedure, the incision is hidden inside the nasal cavity.

Surgical modifications are then made, which may involve removing cartilage, using sutures to reshape cartilage, bone contouring, or placement of cartilage grafts. In a functional rhinoplasty procedure, airway obstructions or breathing issues would be amended; the focus of treatment may be enlarged turbinates, nasal polyps, or a deviated septum. It is worth mentioning, however, that both functional and cosmetic rhinoplasty seek to optimize appearance and breathing.

Lastly, once the necessary corrections are made, sutures are placed to close the incisions and the nose is bandaged appropriately.


Although rhinoplasty is an outpatient procedure, patients are required to remain at the surgical facility until anesthesia wears off. It is also necessary to have another adult bring you home after a rhinoplasty procedure.

Recovery on the day of surgery should involve lying in a comfortable position, lots of rest, liquids, soft foods, and prescribed medications. Immediately after surgery, the nose and the area under the eyes will typically be swollen and bruised. The swelling will go down within a few weeks. Patients should avoid any arduous physical activity right after surgery, as it can increase the risk of bleeding.

It is very important to follow all instructions issued by the plastic surgeon and to attend follow-up appointments so that your doctor can check your healing progress and let you know when it is safe to return to a normal activity and work schedule.

The results of successful rhinoplasty are usually visible around two weeks after surgery; however, since the nose will not be completely healed, the full effects of the procedure will not be visible for several months, until the nose takes its new shape.


Patients should be aware that rhinoplasty, as with any medical procedure, comes with potential risks. Each individual should consider both the benefits and known risks before making the decision to have a rhinoplasty. Such risks may include:

  • Skin discoloration
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Altered sensation in the affected area
  • Breathing obstructions

Always make sure that the surgeon performing the procedure is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, and that the surgery is being carried out in an accredited surgical facility.


The cost of this type of procedure is going to fluctuate based on location, surgeon, center, and the individual patient’s needs. According to the ASPS, the average cost of rhinoplasty for men in the U.S. is around $5,000, though it can range up to $15,000.

The Plastic Surgery Clinic of Chicago always provides a detailed breakdown of costs after an initial consultation. Depending on the motivation for rhinoplasty and your doctor’s assessment, your health insurance may cover some or all of the procedure; for example, if the surgery is to correct an airway obstruction or breathing problem, or if an abnormality was caused by injury or trauma. You should contact your insurance company before scheduling an appointment with us.


The Plastic Surgery Clinic of Chicago welcomes any questions from both potential patients and returning patients regarding any of the procedures that we offer. We are committed not only to excellent patient care, but thorough patient education; our professional staff will answer any questions you have and ensure that you understand every step of the process. If you are interested in looking and feeling like the best version of yourself, call us today for a consultation.

All surgical procedures by the Plastic Surgery Clinic of Chicago are performed at top hospitals in Chicago and CMS or AAAASF-certified surgical centers for safety.


Male Rhinoplasty Before and After
Male Rhinoplasty Before and After




Beautiful breast augmentation result for this patient. In this case we used a 350 cc gel implant, and placed the implant through a periareolar approach and in a submuscular plane. The patient is 5’4” and 125 lbs and went from a B cup to a full C/small D cup. Posted with permission.

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This is a great case to highlight the complexities associated with creating an aesthetic tip and how small changes can yield significant aesthetic improvement. In this case, the patient had a droopy tip, hanging columella, and too much nostril show. In the post-operative views you can visualize a tip that is lifted, more projected, and the presence of a more aesthetic alar-columellar relationship. Happy for this patient and her beautiful and natural result. Posted with permission.

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Proud of our research team for getting this published. In this article, we developed a unique risk assessment tool to predict major complications in facial aesthetic surgery. Thank you to the Aesthetic Surgery Journal for publishing our work.

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The hardest type of rhinoplasties for plastic surgeons to perform are cleft rhinoplasties. A major reason is that the anatomy of the nose and midface are asymmetric, therefore, you have an asymmetric nose sitting on top of an asymmetric midface. In this case, I used rib cartilage to rebuild the cartilage of the nose and fat transfer to improve asymmetries of the midface and lips. In the post-operative frontal views, you can see a straighter nose, the tip has been lifted, and the right nostril has been brought down and inwards. On profile view, you can see the dorsal hump was lowered, the tip of the nose has been lifted, rotated, and refined. The fat was placed in the cheeks and upper lip to improve the midface deficiency that is common in cleft lip patients. Posted with permission.

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Plastic surgery can be dramatic or understated. This is a before and after with subtle changes to improve the proportions and aesthetics of the nose in a natural way. This patient wanted only small changes of the dorsum and tip. In the post-operative photos, you can visualize the dorsal hump has been removed and the tip has been refined, slightly rotated and projected. Posted with permission.

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Couldn’t be happier for this beautiful patient and her natural before and after results. This patient is 3 months out from a deep plane or sub-SMAS facelift, neck lift, and facial fat transfer. Pay close attention to the neck, jawline, and midface or cheeks. In the post-operative views you can see a well-defined neck and jawline. The face appears less bottom heavy, there is restoration of the midface volume, and the overall facial configuration is more heart-shaped and youthful. Posted with permission.

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It’s been a minute but this is a great before and after of a facial feminization case and this patient is only 6 weeks out from surgery. Pay close attention to the hairline, the forehead, orbital rims, eyebrows, nose, chin and jawline. Does this patient look like they had major surgery 6 weeks ago? Posted with permission.

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Check out this interesting rhinoplasty case where I performed a combined primary rhinoplasty and sliding genioplasty. Fixing the crooked or deviated nose is very challenging for all rhinoplasty surgeons and the goal is to achieve a straighter nose because a perfectly straight nose does not exist. On the frontal view, you can see a nose that is midline and with beautiful dorsal aesthetic lines. On the profile view, you can visual a nice nasal profile with a slight break at the tip. The sliding genioplasty complements the nose and improves the overall proportions and balance of the face. A chin implant would not be able to achieve this amount of chin augmentation or chin length. Posted with permission.

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